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Monday 1 April 2013

Three Tips for Singers

Author: Angela De Souza 
Level: Beginner- Intermediate

Breath - This might sound terribly obvious but many singers don't take good, deep breaths when singing. In our lessons we spend a lot of time explaining how breath correctly and do we all sorts of silly exercises to correct breathing. Without correct breathing you will never reach your full potential as a singer.

Drink Plenty of Water – Water lubricates your vocal cords and thins out mucus. A hydrated voice always sounds better. Avoid caffeinated drinks and fruit juices when singing, just drink plenty of lukewarm water. If you have a cold try a bit of lemon and honey in your water, it does wonders for your throat.

Warm Up – Find exercises that you are comfortable with and don't push yourself at the beginning, start gently then gradually increasing the intensity and range.

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