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Thursday 11 April 2013

Basic Chord Formulas

Author: Eric De Souza
Instrument: All
Level: Beginner- Intermediate

The inability to work with chords is a problem that many musicians face so I just thought I would share a few basic chord formulas with you. Basically all you need to do is choose a chord type (e.g. Major, minor), check out its formula and apply it to your desired chord (e.g. Em, G+). Hope this helps to get you started.

Why should I care?

Learning the formulas below can help you:

1 - Build chords. If you know how to build chords you won't have to carry a chords book around with you.

2 - Understand the relationship between chords and scales. This will help you to come up with many melodic variations and effects.

3- Speed up your learning experience. The chord formulas can help you remember rules that can be applied to any key.

4 - Increase your effectivity and productivity. If you are a session player, recording artist or if you intend to take your playing seriously learning this is a must.

5 - Stay in tune. As you can see a Cdim7 is not the same as a C7.


Hope that helps, any questions just ask. Make sure you book your lesson to unpack the power of the above concept and for a complete set of formulas.


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